Your Guide to Growing Strawberries in Hanging Planters

Have you found yourself interested in learning how to grow your fruits from hanging planters? Trading the ground for a more aesthetic growing option has never been easier. Throughout this article, we will be discussing the benefits of using a hanging planter, as well as how to prepare and care for your plants once they’ve officially been set up. 

The benefits of planting your strawberries in hanging baskets

When you choose to hang your plants, you’re doing more than just changing up how you choose to cultivate your household fruits. In fact, a number of benefits come from opting to hang your strawberry plants:

Save space and easily move your strawberry plants

Limiting your plants to the confines of plant beds and outdoor areas is a thing of the past! Bring a new life to your space when you choose to hang planters and adorn them with the presence of bright beautiful strawberries.

In addition to looking lovely, hanging strawberry planters are a great solution for urban farmers with limited space. No need for expansive outdoor areas when a homeowner can simply hang a plant close by a windowsill. Hanging your plants also protects the fruit and new plant life from common ground dwelling pests that may try to make your greenery their next meal. If an overnight frost comes, you’ll easily be able to move your plants inside and protect them from a deep freeze.

What are the best strawberry varieties for hanging planters?

Believe it or not, strawberries come in a number of interesting shapes and sizes for you to choose from. Out of the multiple varieties, about six or seven would make for great basket growing fruits. From alpine strawberries to day-neutral varieties, you’re sure to find the perfect shape and flavor profile for your hanging garden. Alpine strawberries also don’t produce runners, making them a great choice for hanging planters and beginner gardeners.

However, Alpine strawberries are not recommended for Florida’s climate. Great Florida varieties include: Brilliance, Medallion, Sweet Sensation, Radiance, Sweet Charlie, Chandler.

Tips before planting your strawberries in a hanging planter

Before getting your hands dirty, be sure you adequately prepare by reading up on the blow tips and tricks for perfectly planted strawberries. 

Gather the supplies you need to plant strawberries

Aside from your strawberry plant(s) and a hanging basket, make sure that you have everything you’ll need prior to starting. We recommend equipping yourself with a towel, gloves, a small gardening shovel, watering can, some extra potting mix and some plant food. 

When should you plant your strawberries?

For most strawberry varieties, planting should begin shortly after the last frost of the season in early spring. Planting during this timeframe allows for harvesting around late may or throughout the month of June. While this timeframe is often safe to go by, some varieties of strawberries are not required to follow the recommended planting time frame and can even thrive when planted in the early fall.

In Florida, strawberry season is Fall through early Spring. We take pre-orders starting in August for our bare root strawberry plants, and they’re delivered to you by October!

Where should you hang strawberries in your garden?

Selecting a location for your fresh fruit to hang is going to be instrumental in the success of its growth. Your strawberries should be hung in a location that receives regular natural light, can be watered easily, and is protected from harsh winds or regularly fluctuating temperatures.

We suggest hanging your plant in front of a window in a pot with adequate drainage holes for succulent fruit production.

How to care for your hanging strawberry plants

Once potted, the next step is properly caring and handing your strawberry plants. Understanding how to best care for your strawberries as they grow will ensure that the fruit yielded is both healthy and abundant. 

Caring for your plants as they grow

Correctly caring for your plants entails a few important steps that should not be overlooked during the growth process. In addition to regularly watering your strawberries, great care should be taken to regularly prune the plant, observing for signs of runners and dead leaves that could take away from the overall health and integrity of the fruit. 

strawberry hanging planter

Additionally, providing appropriate amounts of fertilizer while monitoring the overall weather conditions the plant is exposed to will ensure the best possible outcome for your produce.  

When to harvest strawberries

After a month or two, all of your hard work will have paid off! Strawberries are ripe and ready for harvesting once they emit a sweet aroma and are completely bright red in color. This timeframe tends to fall within 4-6 weeks after the plant has flowered.

Pre-order your strawberry plants and starters from Whitwam Organics!

Ready to start harvesting delicious fruits from the comfort of your own home? Don't let lack of space or awkward garden layout stop you from growing the plants and produce you love! Here at Whitwam Organics, we have everything you need to start the perfect garden – from seasonal seedlings to irrigation supplies, we have it all. Pre-order plants and solicit our services by visiting our website, today!

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